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SGW Unlocking

Security Gateway unlocking for IVECO and FCA


Advanced dealer-level functionality available for IVECO & FCA vehicles

Jaltest Diagnostics allows access to protected vehicles that are equipped with this SGW security module in order to perform advanced diagnostics functionalities. Our equipment has been approved as a compatible tool by Iveco and FCA, offering an easy connection between the user's diagnostics tool and the OEM authentication servers.


What is the security gateway module (SGW)?

Some vehicles are protected with an SGW security module (Security Gateway) in order to prevent unauthorised diagnostics and security attacks.

When using an authorised diagnostics tool, this module limits the diagnostics functionalities such as bidirectional tests, DTC clearing and the rest of the functions necessary to carry out the complete repair of the vehicle.

Functions locked by SGW in Iveco:
• Advanced functionalities
• Components Actuation
• Maintenance and calibration

SGW locks in FCA:
• Components Actuation
• Maintenance and calibration
• Error clearance

What vehicles are included?




* Valid until 31st December of the current year


FCA (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles)

(706070001) SGW FCA

* One year from the subscription start date

1. Get in touch
Our technical support team will assist you through the required steps.

2. Supply your details
We will need some basic details to submit the request to the manufacturer.

3. Wait for approval
Once you're approved by the manufacturer and payment is received, you'll now have access to SGW.



* In order to unlock this function, it is required to subscribe to the service and fill out the information related to the company or device user, both requirements are mandatory requests from the manufacturers.

* A Jaltest device (higher than V8) with a licence in force is required.
The unlocking process is not immediate. We will contact you once the functionality is available for your device.

Jaltest Link V8 or later versions with a licence in force will be required in order to subscribe to SGW.

We recommend you make sure that your Internet connection is stable before subscribing to this service.

To subscribe to the SGW module for Iveco, the product must be acquired by company (70607002) and by device (70607003). The first purchase of each year requires the subscription to both products, additional licences by device can be later added (70607003).


Contact our dedicated support team today to subscribe to SGW

If you would like to unlock the IVECO and FCA security gateway, please contact our technical support team below.

Contact Us

Want to talk?
Local: 03454 66 66 99
int'l: +44 1283 249810

Prefer to email?
Email us at it@eclipse-tech.co.uk

(Option 2 for Technical Support then option 2 for IT)

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