We are delighted to announce that the Jaltest 18.2 diagnostics software update has now been released, which again provides a vast number of improvements and fresh innovations that consolidate the tool as the benchmark in multibrand diagnosis of commercial, agricultural and OHW (Off Highway) vehicles.
- Improvements of the System Scan processes, adding new icons to differentiate the systems with present errors, with non-present errors, or without diagnosis errors.
- Information about the state ‘OTHERS’ related to error presence.
- Access to component measures from the wiring diagram and vice versa.
- Add customised vehicle maintenance data.
- Add customised helps to the diagnosis actions.
- New instructions and aids for the use of multipins.
- New graphic configurations of the program: AGV green and OHW yellow.
- And much more…
The Jaltest 18.2 software update provides coverage for 377 models, 3,478 systems, includes 2,275 diagrams and new technical information that includes step-by-step troubleshooting guides, diagnosis help, and much more.